
My roof leaks. Do I need to have it totally replaced ?

Not necessarily. Leaking can result from damage done to a section of the roof or from flashing coming loose. A roof failure, however, is generally irreversible and result from improper installation or choice of materials, or from the installation of a roof system inappropriate to the building.

How should I prepare for the installation of my new roof ?

You should remove all loose items from your walls and shelves. The constant hammering may cause enough vibration to shake these items down. Make sure you have your driveway clear as well as the areas surrounding your home. This is because of the chance that material from the tear off could fall in the driveway or the area directly around your home. This will also give your contractor a place to store the material for your new roof as well as a place for the dumpster. Make sure the contractor puts plywood down in the driveway to protect it.

How long does it take to replace a roof ?

Re-roof or new construction all depends on the type of roof, the weather, and the inspections needed. Generally for a small family home it can take a few days and to large commercial projects that can take a few weeks to a few months. As long as your contractor manages the project closely and efficiently, the project should move smoothly.

How long should a roof last?

Like any building component, roofs degrade at different rates depending on a large number of factors: the quality of original construction, the level of abuse, the level of maintenance, appropriateness of design, etc. So how long should a roof last? We have seen poorly designed and installed roofs go as few as six or seven years before they failed, and we have seen old coal tar built up roofs that were 60 years old. Most building owners, roofing contractors and designers feel 20 years is an acceptable service life. Please keep in mind that in the hot india climate most roofing systems do not last as long as they do in other climates. Make sure when choosing your roof, you ask what the service life is in india, you might be surprised to find that a lot of them do not last for the full warranty and manufactures warranties

What is a roofing underlayment?

A roofing underlayment is typically a membrane that goes under the roof covering to help prevent water intrusion. One type of underlayment comes in rolls and is laid out across the roof and attached with ring shank nails or simplex nails this is called 30#. Another type of underlayment is adhered directly to the deck of the roof; this is considered by many insurance companies as Secondary Water Barrier and is called Peel & Stick. However in Miami-Dade County you can not apply this directly to the deck, you must first use a nailed (30#) underlayment and then the Peel & Stick underlayment. Most insurance companies will not give Secondary Water Barrier credit for Peel & Stick that is not direct to deck. Your underlayment is the one piece of the complete roof system that is solely designed to be the water proofing for your roof. This is true for all roofs except metal roofing where the metal is actually the water proof component, with extra protection from the underlayment.

Can I do my roofing work myself, or should I hire a contractor?

Most roofing work should not be done yourself. Manufactures generally will not give a warranty if you do not have a professional roofer install the product. Professionals are trained to handle the environment on the roof and can handle the conditions that may present themselves when doing a roofing job. The dangers to a homeowner with trying to do your own roof work could be a lot more expensive than just hiring a roofing professional to come out and do the work.


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